1. How do you know if a delivery is no contact?
    a) If you see the following sign with the text in the app, it is a no noctact delivery
    b) If you don't see this sign, but the customer is requesting you to leave the order somewhere for them without meeting them, it also counts as a no contact delivery.


2. What do you do if you see one?
Read the instructions carefully. If it is not clear where you can leave your order, contact customer service! Under no circumstances should you leave an order where you are not sure the customer will find it.

3. Once you have found the exact place to leave the order, take a picture of the package. To comply with GDPR guidelines, make sure that the photograph does not show any personal information (e.g. name, address written on the doorbell, or on the letterbox, etc.). Keep the photo for 24 hours after delivery, and make sure to delete it after that.

4. If the support contacts you about an order, send them the picture. 

5. It is important to deliver these orders with care. In case a customer cannot find a no contact order, and it has been misplaced or no photo was taken, it might be deducted.